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Come Up Higher

It is time to go on with the Lord, go up higher, I sense God saying to me, “there is never to be stagnant times and seasons with Me, each day is to be new, filled with the benefits of being My child.” Every day should be a opportunity to go up higher, to go deeper. The Spirit of God speaks in Psm. 68:19, and says” Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads me up with benefits”, in Psm. 103:2 David cries out,” Bless the Lord all my soul, and forget not all of His benefits”. and then goes on in verses 3-5 to describe the benefits of God;

Psm. 103- 3-5 “Who forgives all my in iniquities, Who heals all my diseases, Who redeems my life from destruction, Who crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies my mouth with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagles.” Wow, a life filled with these forever increasing benefits."

The Spirit speaks again, centuries later through the apostle Paul in 2 Cor 4:16- “…Even though the outward man (fleshly man) is perishing he inward man (spirit man) is being renewed day by day.” God delights in planning our every day renewal, He, like a mother of a new born, loves revealing every day, something NEW about this new Life we have in Christ, and takes great joy in leading us into the divine experience of it. It is the normal course of things to see the outward effects of this relationship we have with our heavenly Father, to have temporal manifestation of the promises He has made to us, but the relationship HE desires, goes so much deeper, HIS HEART wants us to come up higher, to seek beyond the manifestation of needs and desires, looking for our place beside Him, sitting with Him in heavenly places (Eph 2:6). He is calling to us, “seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of the Father, (col 3:1), come up here and enter into rest, My rest (Heb 4:9-11). I believe with all my heart that our Father wants us to enjoy every moment of EVERYDAY, as He enjoys them.

I am beginning to see that the temporal life is trying to impose its boundaries upon us. Without Gods revelation of eternal life reining in me, I can only see the death doomed temporal side of life. John 3:16 was intended to be so much more then a promise that we will live forever, it is the giving of ETERNAL LIFE, (Zoe) the GOD KIND of life. This changes everything, this now elevates us to God status (Col 3:1-4), my relationship now as Jesus states in John 17:21 is being ONE with the Father and Jesus, I am one Spirit with Them. This revelation goes on and on, you can not turn a page in the new covenant without catching a glimpse of what this new kind of life we received in Jesus. Like I mention earlier, The Father is inviting us to come up, and sit with Him, in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 2:6). It is more then receiving Kingdom realities in the natural world, It is sitting and resting in Him, allowing the Eternal Life given to us to create the type of life on earth as it is in heaven. So often we think that heaven and earth are two different places, but what they really are, are two different realms, in the place called the Kingdom of God, what we have to begin to see is that our STATUS as SONS and DAUGHTORS of God in the Kingdom which includes the seen and unseen(Nicene Creed) does not change. God’s word is just as true here on the Earth (seen) as it is in Heaven (unseen), nothing in this earth realm changes the effects of my eternal life and what is available to me. When I die, I just change realms of which I live, all my eternal blessing come with me, it not like earthly things like money, houses, cars, which I leave here on earth. The traits of my eternal life, Love, Joy Peace, Faith, Power, Life, Etc. I get to take with me when I cross over to the other side into Glory, that’s why they are eternal, I get to take it with me. The bigger challenge is to experience these eternal realities while I am still here in the earthly realm, to experience the effects of my eternal life KNOW while I am still on the earth. This I sense is the blessing of heaven which will usher in the great end time harvest, when as Paul states in Rom 8:19, all creation grows until now for the revealing of the sons of God, when the world sees us, the Children of God, the church, living in the manifested blessing of our eternal life brought from heaven by Jesus, and deposited in us, the world will come running. Let’s go up higher beginning today, lets show the world what greaaaaaaaaaaaaat value this new kind of life brings.

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