I am sensing more and more we are in a moment in time were God is pouring out a revelation of the possibility of stepping out of the realm of the Seen into the realm of the unseen were God lives. The Nicene creed states that “We believe in God the FATHER, maker of heaven and earth of all that is SEEN and UNSEEN.” God is God of both the seen and unseen. For many years in my life I thought that the unseen was heaven which one day once I die, I will experience, but until then I have to put up with and live in this seen world where things are mean, ugly and oppressive. But the more I read the Word of God the more I begin to see all throughout salvation history men and women stepped out of their earthly existence into the realm of the Kingdom where all things became possible. Some examples are Noah, David when he met Goliath on the battlefield, Gideon, Samson, the armies of Israel when they went up against Jericho and yelled at 13? thick walls and they came down, Daniel in the Lions Den, the Three Hebrew men thrown in the fiery furnace, Peter walking on the water Etc.... I began to see that everything changed in this tangible world when God Spoke, WOW, when God speaks throughout salvation history it had the Power and Substance to create the things God Said. this excited me on many levels, first, I began to see when Gods speaks it is an eternal word, what I mean is that when God speaks it is not just for the moment in time He spoke, but is creative for all generations, giving substance and power to create and fulfill Yesterday Today and Forever. Also I realized that if I can find a promise and or oath that God has made since it has eternal properties and because Jesus is the Same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8) I can reach up into the Unseen and grab these eternal promise’s and pull them down into my day, in the realm of my time here on the Earth, praise God. This might seem incredible, but God is not just the God of yesterday, or just the God of Tomorrow, but since God is outside of time, he is a God of today, of RIGHT NOW! God loves my NOW, He sets me free NOW, He becomes real to me NOW, He wants to fellowship and spend time with me NOW, He wants me to come to Him and cast my cares upon Him NOW. Everything God has said in eternity is for all generations, Gods word crosses all generations it does not cease upon the death of the prior generation, God’s word continues to Have LIFE from generation to generation and is available to each. This is really had to put into words. So today as I read about Jesus healing people, providing food for the 4000 and the 5000, forgiving, setting free those who were oppressed of the devil, I reach up into eternity were Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and by faith grab onto the hem of His garment believing in the fact that Jesus is the SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER (Heb 13:8)