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Gospel of Light & Power

The Gospel of Jesus Christ can also be translated the Gospel of Light and Power. I am sensing more and more that our Christian existence, the reason we exist, is for those who are lost and in the darkness of this life. Darkness in itself has no power, but it does have the ability to keep us from seeing truth (light) which once know has the power to set free, so darkness in the eyes of a unbeliever has the ability to keep the power that’s in God’s Word from being seen and in turn being released. The Spirit of God speaking through Hosea says so clearly Hos 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge” (Light). Wow, that sounds bleak, but nooooo this is were we come in, we have the Gospel, the Truth which brings with it light and Power to change lives, the devil, demons, darkness, have no response to a believer releasing light and power as he speaks the truth that is contained in the Gospel. Rom 1:16 is so comforting to me “I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST for its the POWER OF GOD to SALVATION (Wholeness Spirit, Soul, and Body) to EVERYONE (Praise God) who believes. If this is so why are we so reluctant to release the Power of God that will destroy darkness in people’s lives through our sharing the gospel? I don’t have an answer to this question.

The devil and all his cohorts cannot stop the weakest person under his control, (an unbeliever) from coming out of darkness and entering God marvelous light once he hears, chooses to receive the Gospel, and calls upon the name of the Lord. The devils only play is to as St. Paul reveals in 2Cor 4:4 Blind the minds of those who do not believe lest the light of the gospel should shine upon them, So what is the problem, I have the Gospel the power of God which brings light, the devil cannot stop the manifestation of conversion, so why are we so hesitant to do the obvious. I am seeing more and more in my own life that until I come to the realization that the REASON I EXIST ( which is to destroy the works of the devil) every moment of every day by bringing and releasing the light contained in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I hide it by putting under the bushel basket. OK, I am beginning to catch up with God on this, but now I have to move, I have to act, and let people hear the Greatness of our Father that is contained in the Gospel, which once received will release Light and Power into their lives. So I am adjusting my motivations, in addition to trying my best to be a good example to all , I am going to begin again to give away that which I freely received, the most precious thing I have in my possession, the only thing that will have any eternal value for myself, my family and the generation after me, the thing which has supernatural power to bring heaven here to earth, that contains the very presence and essence of the unseen Father, the Son Himself, “THE WORDS OF GOD”

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Robert E. Schoenle
Robert E. Schoenle
28 בינו׳ 2023

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