Hello all, another day of opportunity to be active in eternal life. I am often misunderstood when I talk about eternal life, eternal life begins at our conversion and is not just a higher level of natural manner of life, it’s stepping into the God Kind of Life (Zoe in the Greek). This new type of Life gives us the potential to live the Life that exists were God is in heaven and allows us to experience this new type of high life here in this manner of human life. There are so many things we experience in this manner of life which does not exist in Eternal Life were God is, death, sickness, despair, loneliness, bitterness, fear, sorrow, to name a few. When Jesus came to Give LIFE and give LIFE more abundantly, He was giving us His Life, Eternal Life. Eternal Life is so much more then just living forever, as John puts it in the Gospel of John (Jn 17:3)” This is eternal life TO KNOW YOU (this is a intimate word like when Adam Knew Eve) the only true God and His son Jesus Christ whom you have sent”. Not just to know about Him, but to Know Him intimately, deeply like a husband knows his wife. For us to do this we have to allow our definition of Life to go far beyond this natural manner of life were evil exists and allow our spirits to reach into the eternal life of God where He resides. To do this we have to overcome a problem, we have to as St. Paul’s reveals in Col 3:1-set our minds on things above were Christ is sitting NOT ON THINGS OF THE EARTH, wow that means that I can no longer see myself as one enduring the trials of this life waiting for the good old bye and bye where I will some day receive my eternal Glory. NO, NO, I must begin to enter into and have an expectation to experience my eternal Life which Jesus has given to me in abundance here in this manner of Life were things are ugly, mean, and unpredictable. What we are called as Christians to transfer to humanity is the Gospel which brings with it once received ETERNAL LIFE, We are not offering a higher type of natural manner of life, but we are offering people to come and accept The Eternal Life of God, the kind of life which brings with it all that heaven has to offer. I am so encouraged today to know that the eternal life placed in me has the ability to give to me everything that this manner of life cannot, isn’t that the Gospel Message after all?
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